What is ThetaHealing®?

Certified Theta Healer CaliforniaThetaHealing® is a transformational energy healing technique that can heal patients physically, emotionally and spiritually. By accessing the theta brain wave the practitioner can find out on what level we are holding beliefs that are causing
illness or blocking us from Love, success or even self acceptance.

By connecting to the theta brainwave we also connect to all of creation that allows us to ask and receive answers about disease and dysfunction and gives us the tools to correct the issue. The ThetaHealing® practitioner witnesses the changes to be made in the body and on all levels. For some people the shifts can be miraculous, for others wellness and balance can occur over time.

ThetaHealing® and the Transformation of Belief Systems

Theta Healing Practitioner, Distance HealerOur belief systems and particularly the sub-conscious beliefs that we hold and are likely unaware of, have a significant effect on our perception and our lives.

For example, if we believe we cannot succeed or that we cannot be loved we will
continue to repeat the consequences of these beliefs in the form of unhealthy patterns and scenarios in our lives. It may also create dis-ease or dysfunction in our bodies.

These beliefs can be held on many levels and affect our health. We hold beliefs on the core, genetic, historic and soul level. With ThetaHealing® the practitioner has the ability to access these belief systems and cancel the beliefs that do not serve in the highest and best way. The practitioner will then replace these beliefs and adjust any energetic issue so balance can resume in the body.

Benefits of Engaging with a ThetaHealing® Practitioner

How does:

  • Self Love…
  • Mental Clarity…
  • and Self Empowerment sound?

Be prepared to release old emotional wounds and past traumas… and resume (the perhaps foreign) feeling of balance, peace and harmony.


  • Positive Thinking…
  • New Perspectives on Life…
  • Creative inspirations…
  • Life Affirming Change…
  • Awareness of Limitless Possibilities…


1 Hour ThetaHealing Session: $155

1/2 Hour ThetaHealing Session: $95


About Ilene

Ilene MorrisonLicensed Mssage Therapist Certified Theta HealerIlene Morrison is an all-encompassing wellness & hands on healing practitioner of 14 years. She is a certified Theta Healer, and certified in Nutritional Response Testing  a.k.a. manual muscle testing.

Ilene is a gifted spiritual holistic guide providing energy healing work  with healing modalities like Theta-Healing®  that offer emotional, spiritual and physical support.  She incorporates  Chakra Balancing and Healing Energy work into her clients’ experience for overall wellness and a broader, more informed view of each client’s condition.

Ilene provides intuitive energy work and Theta Healing to clients in the San Fernando Valley communities of Calabasas, Encino, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Studio City, and  Los Angeles, California.

Ilene recently relocated to Malibu, CA and is now available for ThetaHealing® and intuitive energy work with individuals in the surrounding communities of  Thousand Oaks,  Ventura and Santa Monica, California

For a  Remote Intuitive Theta Healing or Chakra Balancing Session please call Ilene today in California  at:


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February 2025
"Words cannot explain the gift Ilene has. Whether my appointment is for an energy healing session or a therapeutic massage I..." more...
"Ilene is truly amazing. I will never go to another massage therapist again...Working with Ilene is way more than a massage. It’s an experience that you can’t really put into words. " more...
"Ilene has helped me change my life in so many amazing and wonderful ways. She has given me the tools to unlock the doors to what I truly wanted..." more...